Charity Criteria

  • Charities must be non-religious and non-political, and not discriminate based on race, color, ethnic or national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, age or gender identification.

  • The donations will be given to charities who have 501(c)(3) status serving the Milwaukee Metro West communities and nominated by members of 100 WWC—MKE Metro West. No national charities will be considered; however, local branches of national charities are eligible for consideration. The purpose is for 100% of the contributions to stay in our local communities. Nominated charities outside the Metro West suburban area are considered eligible as long as donations remain in the local Milwaukee area.

  • Each time we select a charity to support, we also request a 50% match from a kind donor, RMSFF Foundation. After applying for the RMSFF match, if the Foundation finds that our chosen charity does not meet their requirements, a second place charity may be eligible to receive the 50% match. This charity would still be able to be presented for future selection within the year nominated.

  • The 501(c)(3) charity must agree to not use the donors’ names for future solicitations or give the information out to the public. If the charity does not adhere to these conditions, the charity will be removed from any future consideration.