Nomination Process

  • Member selects a local charity she would like to put forward for consideration.

  • Member fills out the Charity Nomination Form on the web site and submits it on-line or emails Jane Condon at with charity's name, mission, address, and, if available, the charity's Tax ID, also called an EIN number.

  • If a member has difficulty in providing this information, please contact one of our officers listed on the "About Us" page for help.​

  • These charity nominations must be made by at least 10 days before the 100WWC-MMW meeting to give time to check out each charity to make sure it is a 501(c)(3) charity and meets our requirements to be non-political, be non-religious, and be non-discriminating.

  • Meeting the above requirements, the charity will be approved for nomination.

  • If more than 3 charities are nominated, three will be selected in a drawing.

  • Each nominating member of three charities selected for consideration is allowed a 5 minute presentation for the charity. An additional five-minutes is allowed for Q & A's.

  • The group will vote by ballot and majority rules. Although the winning charity may not be your first choice, you are still obligated to donate

  • At the next meeting, a representative of the winning charity speaks to the members about the impact their gift has made toward helping that charity fulfill its vision and goals.

  • Each member (or team) then writes a check for $100 to the local non-profit charity chosen by ballot vote.

  • Each nominee of a charity presented but not chosen will have the option of giving their $100 commitment to their charity.

  • For tax purposes, all checks will be made out to the chosen organization.

  • If you are unable to attend, you may give your check to a member to deliver on your behalf or send it to Judy Malaney, W178 N6011 Prairie Sky Court, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 within 10 days.

  • Any eligible nomination submitted will be active for an entire year (12 months) or until chosen for donations.

  • After applying for the RMSFF match, if the Foundation does not accept the chosen charity, a second-place charity may be eligible to receive the 50% match. This charity would still be able to be presented for future selection within the year nominated.

  • Important: If your nomination is still active and you are interested in presenting at the next meeting, please let Jane know (414-840-9506) so we can include it in our drawing for the three charities to be voted on.

Steps To Follow

How to Present at Meeting

Here are some guidelines and talking points to help you prepare to make the best presentation so each member can make an informed decision on how to vote. Make sure your presentation contains:

  • A description of your relationship with the organization and if and how you’ve been involved.

  • The mission/purpose of the organization.

  • Specific details on how our donation would be used.

  • Information about the service area and whom the organization serves.

  • If the organization is affiliated with a national or state group, verify that the funds will stay in the Milwaukee Area.

  • Do they accept online donations.

The charity representative can be introduced during the presentation to help answer questions. Total time for Presenter and Representative is 10 minutes.

You should also find out if the potential recipient has 501(c)3 status. If you are proposing a worthy cause that is not 501(c)3, determine if the donation can be funneled through a church or other tax-exempt group. If the donation will NOT be tax deductible, inform the membership before the vote is taken. Power Point presentations are not allowed, but handouts are fine. This preparation will help ensure our dollars are donated in a productive and rewarding way.