Frequently Asked Questions

What type of charities can 100+WWC support?

All charities and organizations must be 501(c)3 charities in the Milwaukee Metro West area and must be non-religious, non-discriminating and non-political.

How are charities selected?

Any member can nominate a charity. Three nominations are chosen at random. After a brief presentation by the nominating member, all members vote for one charity to support. Everyone writes a tax-deductible $100 check directly to the winning charity.

Can I join with my friends as a team?

Yes! Joining as a team allows you to split the cost. However, your team can be only up to four members in size and is allowed only one team member presenting a charity and one vote.

How can I help?

• Become a Sustaining Member by contributing for our start-up and on-going expenses

• Volunteer as a member of our Advisory Group to assist in achieving our mission

• Invite a friend to join you at our meetings